30 DECEMBER 1949, page 4


T HERE is of course no reason to distinguish particularly a year which happens to be a multiple of fifty from any other. Nineteen-fifty today means simply the begin- ning of......

The National Anthem ; The King's Broadcast ; The National

Anthem. Must the B.B.C. do this ? Whose idea is it ? Can it be supposed that King George himself, pursued by this eternal tune wherever he goes, wants to hear it both before and......

It Is To Be Hoped That The Situation In Malaya

will be fully discussed at the Colombo Conference, for there is good reason to doubt whether we are adequately informed about what is happening in the peninsula. Christmas is......

" From Addison To Janus." I Like That. 'it Sounds

well. I feel sure Addison would have liked it equally. These reflections are inspired by someone who suggests that, to avoid frequent misunder- standings, it might be well to......

A Spectator's Notebook

n1 - HAD better say at once that I spent Christmas in Cambridge ; otherwise the fact will become evident rather irritatingly. The high point, beyond question or contest, was the......

How Far Can The Deaf Hear Music ? The Question

is raised by the article on Professor Samuel Alexander in the latest supplement to the Dictionary of National Biography. Here reference is made to Professor Alexander "......

The New Issue Of The Modern Churchman Has Some Interesting

comments on the recent Times articles and correspondence on " Catholicism Today " (not " Roman Catholicism "—one of many indications that the original article was written by a......