30 DECEMBER 1949, Page 4

The National Anthem ; the King's Broadcast ; the National

Anthem. Must the B.B.C. do this ? Whose idea is it ? Can it be supposed that King George himself, pursued by this eternal tune wherever he goes, wants to hear it both before and after he speaks ? (Perhaps he doesn't hear it ; 1 don't know what the technical arrangements may be.) Even if " God Save the King " were as exhilarating as the " Marseillaise," instead of as dreary as a dirge, this perpetual plugging of it would be psychologically wrong. Pomp and circumstance are fortunately not normal concomitants of sovereignty in this country. The popularity of our Royal Family is based largely on their patent sincerity and unaffectedness. The King last Sunday was a man talking to men and women, not primarily a sovereign, saluted by fanfares, addressing his subjects. On such an occasion the National Anthem might surely be rationed. Once if need be ; but twice, No.

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