30 JUNE 1894, Page 40

The Tiger - Lily. By G. Manville Fenn. 2 vols. (Chatto and

Windus.)—We cannot congratulate Mr. Fenn on this effort. It is not in the manner to which we are accustomed from him, and the change is not by any means to our liking. Armstrong Dale an American painter, betrothed to Cornelia Thorp, comes over to study his art in London. There he falls under the influence of a certain Valentina, Contessa Dellatoria. Mr. Fenn paints certain scenes between the two with quite as much warmth of colour, to say the least, as is fitting. The Contessa's husband is a miserable creature ; and there is another evil-minded person mixed up in the story, Lady Grayson by name. How Cornelia intervenes, and with what result, may be read by any one who cares to take the trouble. Much as we admire Mr. Fenn's work in general—and we have often expressed this feeling in hearty terms—we cannot recommend The Tiger-Lily.