30 JUNE 1894, page 31

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. "] S Ir, — Apropos To...

excellent article in the Spectator of June 23rd, on " The Declaration on the Inspiration of the Scriptures," is there not a question which precedes those you have dealt with,......

The Finance Bill.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." ] SIR,—You have sympathy, and to spare, for the Duke of Devonshire, but a gentle rebuke, and nothing more, for "A Rural Victim." Is this......

Letters To The Editor.

THE DECLARATION ON THE INSPIRATION OF THE SCRIPTURES. ITO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTA.TOR:1 Sin,—I cannot help fearing, as you do, that many whe desire- real assistance on a......

The Papal Decree On Bull-fights. [to The Editor Of The

"SPECTATOR. "] Stn,—As you have not published the text of the Decree against Bull-Fights, here it is.—I am, Sir, &c., P. E S.C. PCENITENTIARI2E. DITBI.A. DE SACERDOTIBUS......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]

Srst,—As you have mentioned my name in connection with a 'recent " Declaration," you will kindly let me say that my -share in the drafting of it was confined to a few......

The Patronage Bill.

[To THR EDITOR OW THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is pleasant in these disillusioned days to read "R. J. F.'s " enthusiastic forecast in the Spectator of June 16th of the results of......