30 MARCH 1956, Page 15


the course,of his review Canon Vidler has the following: 'Roman Catholic writers no longer claim explicit evidences for it [Marian doctrine] in the Bible. They admit there was no cult of Mary before the end of the fourth centary.' Which Roman Catholic writers, and when?

Also: '. . . the ever increasing elaborations of Marian doctrine, of which the next step is expected to be the definition of Mary's Co- Redeemership.' Expected by whom? The readers of that tons theologica, the Daily Express?—Yours faithfully, Union Society, Oxford


[Dr. Vidler writes: Before writing his letter, Mr. Price does not seem to have taken the precaution of reading Dr. Miegge's book, The Virgin Mary. He will find in it the answers to his questions with precise references to Roman Catholic writers such as Jugie and Roschini. See, for example, pages 84 and 101 and chapter viii on 'The Co-Redemptrese- Editor, Spectator.]