30 MARCH 1956, page 29

Sparrows Nesting

Most house sparrows are content to build in cavities under the eaves and such places, pack- ing their bits of grass and feathers in to make it snug within, but some years ago we......

Country Life

By IAN NIALL I OFTEN wonder what that very worthy country- man William Cobbett would make of the agri- cultural scene today, could he return to travel the roads and inspect the......

De Mortuis

We all have our measure of grief at one time or another, and the speaker was apparently telling of his personal loss. Unfortunately I missed the first part of the conversation,......


BY PHILIDOR No. 43. A. M. SPARKE WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. BLACK (10 men) Solution to last week's problem by Larsen: Kt-K 7! 1 . . . Q x Kt ch;......

Dwarf Peas

Dwarf peas are popular mainly because there is little or no difficulty in cultivating them. They need very little space, for they can be grown as close as two feet between rows,......