30 NOVEMBER 1918, Page 14


Sui,—:hLay I as another old Wykehamist and a regular reader of the Spectator: for over forty years be allowed to .support the appeal of " Old Wykehamist" in last week's issue ? I have received letters from Dr. Fearon and the. Bishop of Southwark, taw former Head-Masters, and many others expressing .their disapproval of the proposed scheme. Dr. Burge's letter is too long for me to ask

you to reproduce it, but I. his permission to show it to any old Wykehamiete, and will gladly do so. This is not the- time to spend .215;000 on pulling down and rebuilding the oningentenary buildings, or to pill down half Kingagate Street, or to spend £100,000, supposing we can get so much, on "beautifying " place "already rich beyond compare in beauty." Something much less pretentious and more certain of being carried out within -a reasonable time would be a more fitting memorial. I hope all old Wykehamiets who can do so will attend the meeting on Monday, December '2nd.—I am, Sir, &c., T. Wnias Calm. 48 Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. 7.