30 NOVEMBER 1918, page 14

Winchester College War Memorial. Ito The Editoll Op The "

SPECT LTOR."3 Sia,—My attention has been _drawn to a letter in your last issue by an old Wykehamist, in which-he expresses the-hope that "old Wykehamists who are against .the......


AN IMPERIAL MEMORLAL SCHEME. (To THE-EDITOR OF-THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The Veterans' Association venture to ask not -,only the courtesy of your columns, but also your cordial......

Ito The Editor Op The " Speotat0a;"]

Sui,—:hLay I as another old Wykehamist and a regular reader of the Spectator: for over forty years be allowed to .support the appeal of " Old Wykehamist" in last week's issue ?......

Willett Memorial Fund.

(To THE EDiToR Or THE " SpecriToR.") Sia,---rIt is proposed to erect a suitable public memorial to the late Mr. William Willett, whose laborious, protracted, and -wholly......

The Pedagogue's Pocket.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—The most disconcerting thing about the Sootsmen I hale known is that they are always being engagingly funny, presum- ably in an attempt......

Memorial War Museums.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE '" SPRETAIVel PGR,—.Plunierous suggestions are being made regarding the best way to perpetuate the memory -of those who have fallen in* the war. May I add......