30 NOVEMBER 1996, Page 40

Lack of judgment

Sir: I am absolutely gobsmacked by Paul Johnson's breathtakingly hypocritical arti- cle on the Anglican Church (And another thing, 23 November), and even more at your lack of judgment in publishing it. Although I am no particular supporter of that august body, or any other Church, this really takes the biscuit for nastiness as well as hypocrisy.

I did not see the piece to which Mr Melville refers (Letters, 23 November), but I most certainly concur with his view on Johnson's appalling cheek and bad taste ('unwise' is far too lenient a description of his attitude) in slamming the Anglicans for their apparent support of homosexuality within their Church.

Considering that we have, of late, been treated to fornicating Catholic priests (Bishops O'Casey and Argyll), not to speak of this latest unspeakable paedophile, who not only abuses children but, as the purvey- or of the largest collection of paedophilia in the world, transmits his filth abroad via the Internet, Mr Johnson would be well advised to put his Catholic brain in gear before putting his pen in motion.

In fact, the Catholic Church is hardly devoid of sodomites itself, as any boy who has attended one of their schools will tell you.

Mrs E. Coulson

40 Elm Park Road, London SW3