30 NOVEMBER 1996, page 40

Fascists' Corner

Sir: Taki, with his customary self-restraint, gently ends his column (High life, 16 November) with the words, 'Arriba Franco, Arriba Pinochet, Arriba Salazar"! A less tasteful......

Sir: The Article You Published On The Church Of England

(And another thing, 23 November) was a lot more obscene than your pictures of bare bottoms. Robert Davies 7 Willowcroft, Lee Park, London SE3......

Lack Of Judgment

Sir: I am absolutely gobsmacked by Paul Johnson's breathtakingly hypocritical arti- cle on the Anglican Church (And another thing, 23 November), and even more at your lack of......

Falling Into The Trap

Sir: Over the last few months, a series of articles have appeared in the press, all attacking Sir James Goldsmith from a com- mon standpoint. The first, by Sir Michael Spicer,......

Bottoms Up

Sir: The Erotic Print Society has advertised with The Spectator for nearly three years — indeed, in its earliest incarnation as the Maclean Gallery, as far back as 1980. I am a......

Sir: Paul Johnson's Vituperative And Malig- Nant Call For...

destruction of the Church of England contains an appeal to 'all Angli- cans still attached to genuine Christianity' to convert to Catholicism. Doesn't 'genuine Christianity'......