30 SEPTEMBER 1995, Page 32

Depraved devices

Sir: Following from John Simpson's admirable article on anti-personnel mines (World leaders in mutilation' 23 Septem- ber), may I add that, according to press reports, British weapons developers are at this very moment working on battlefield lasers whose purpose is to inflict instant, total and irreversible blindness on enemy troops. Your readers may well think it scarcely credible that in a civilised country there are minds depraved enough even to conceive of such devices, let alone earn a living by developing them.

When I think of all the passion which has been put into defending animal 'rights', such as attempts to ban the export of live animals, end fox-hunting and so forth, I sometimes wonder why couldn't that massive energy be put instead into protesting against weapons whose only purpose is to inflict pain and mutilation on other human beings?

P.L Nock

41 Oakthwaite Road, Windermere, Cumbria