30 SEPTEMBER 1995, page 32

Jet Lag

Sir: Richard Littlejohn thinks we are so behind America that arrivals here even have to put their watches back five hours (Diary, 16 September). Forwards, actually. We're still......

The Nhs Myth

Sir: Susan Hill (Terror, sheer, profound terror', 15 September) gives thanks to the NHS for saving her from a wasp sting and then adds: 'There is no country in the world where......

Helpful Suggestion

Sir: The widespread opposition to the European Currency Unit (ecu) suggests that it should be named the Unpopular Currency Unit (ucu). If this is felt to under- state the case,......

Colleagues Fall Out

Sir: I was disappointed and disturbed to read of Taki's lack of compassion for the Greek PM, Ali Babandreou, being inconti- nent and obliged to wear Pampers at all times (High......

One Million Not Out

Sir: I did not see the cover of The Spectator to which Derek Partridge referred (Letters, 16 September), but his claim that it is inap- propriate to use Einstein's famous equa-......

Critic's Critics

Sir: Richard Dorment writes (Letters, 23 September) that Gilbert and George's `habit of saying what nobody else dares to say about life in modern Britain . . . earns them a huge......

Sonic Sewage

Sir: We should all be indebted to Sir John Drummond for including Sir Harrison Birtwistle's 'Panic' at the last night of the Proms because it has at last given the wider public......

Sir: Richard Dorment Reminds Us That Eve- Lyn Waugh...

the art of Picasso. Yes, and for two generations nearly every- one who mattered hailed the 'Poems of Ossian' as works of transcendent genius. Time has vindicated Sam Johnson,......

Depraved Devices

Sir: Following from John Simpson's admirable article on anti-personnel mines (World leaders in mutilation' 23 Septem- ber), may I add that, according to press reports, British......