31 DECEMBER 1921, Page 14


[To. THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SER,—In your issue of November 12th there was an apprecia. tion of tho.Government Committee's Report on this Teaching of English in Schools. Incidentally, the writer expressed a hope that the Conference of New Ideals in Education would bear their share in organizing courses of lectures by men and women who are recognized authorities on. their own subjects. It may interest your readers to know that the New Ideals Conference, to be held at Stratford-on-Avon from April 17th to 24th, will have for its subject "The Drama and Education" (the English Report devotes a whole-section to " The Drama as an Educational Activity "). Miss Lena Ashwell, Mr. Masefield„ Professor Cornford, Miss Cicely Hamilton, Miss de Reyes,. Mr. Henry Wilson, and others have promised to read. papers. Full particulars will be supplied by the Conference Secretary, Miss Synge, 24. Royal Avenue, Chelsea, S.W. am, Sir, tie.,

.(Member of Executive Committee).