31 JULY 1920, Page 1

The Turks, bowing as usual to the inevitable when all

their shifts and evasions were exhausted, decided last week to sign the Peace Treaty. Meanwhile the Greek Army had diSposed of the boastful Governor of Adrianople, Jafer Tayar Pasha, who had tried, like Mustapha Kemal in Anatolia, to frighten the Allies by his threats. A Greek force landed at Rodosto on Tuesday week, and in conjunction with another force from the west effected the occupation of Thrace in five days. The Turkish army dispersed, Jafer was captured, and King Alexander entered Adrianople on Sunday. M. Venizelos, almost alone among the Allied statesmen, had taken the measure of the Turkish brag- garts, and he has rendered the Allies, as well as Greece, a valuable service by his promptitude and vigour in action.