31 JULY 1920, page 24

Poets And Poetry.

A COLLECTED EDITION OF MR. GORDON BOTTOMLEY'S PLAYS.* THERE are a great- many poems which do not yield. up their savour without repeated re-readings. at longish intervals. Of......

The Third Number Of The New Educational Magazine,...

the New Era, contains a particularly interesting little article on Psycho-Analysis, in which, for the enlightenment of the beginner, a very clear outline is given of the......

Poems Worthy Of Consideration.— Anniversaries And Other...

(Murray. 5s. net.)— Musical and conservative.—In the Shadows. By David Gray. (Melrose. Is. net.)—Promising sonnets by a young poet who died of consumption.......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent recie.m] Miss Julia Stimson was what in the American Army is called " Chief Nurse," and what we should call "......