31 JULY 1920, Page 16



DEAR SIR,—Our attention has been called to the following passage occurring in page 105 of the issue of the Spectator of the 24th instant :- "Scarcely had the guns had time to cool, when an oppor- tunist, with perhaps as much instinct for publicity as for architecture, displayed a grandiose plan for an Empire War Memorial that was to transform Westminster."

It is obvious that these words are intended to allude to our client Major C. J. C. Pawley. It is equally obvious that they are of a defaniatory character. We must therefore ask you to publish in a prominent position in the Spectator an unqualified apology for the imputations here cast upon our client.

We may also point out to you that the statement that our client's scheme involves the " ruthless destruction of historic buildings" is contrary to fact.—Yours faithfully,

BARRow, Rooms AND Nem.

25 Victoria Street, Welltninster, London, July 27, 1920.

(We publish the above letter with the assurance of the writer of the article that there was no intention on his part to make. any defamatory reference to Major Pawley. We need hardly say that on our part also there was no such intention, and we join with the writer in offering an unqualified apology for the expression, and regret that it should have been considered to be open to the construction suggested."—ED. Spectator.]