31 JULY 1920, Page 3

The replica of St. Gandens's famous statue of Abraham Lincoln,

presented by America to Great Britain, was unveiled at West- minster on Wednesday by the Duke of Connaught. Mr. Root, whom Lord Bryce described as " the greatest Secretary of State America has seen since Daniel Webster," made the formal presentation in an eloquent and touching speech, emphasizing the fact that Lincoln came of English stock, and.that his, political eonceptions of justice and liberty were those in which England led •the world. Mr. Lloyd George replied with equal warmth, -assuring Mr. Root that Americans hardly realised how much Lincoln " our possession and our pride." Just as Ameri- oans may claim to share with us the ancient Abbey church before which the statue stands, so we may claim to share Lincoln- with them. The Spectator has always been a profound - admirer of Lincoln, even in the troubled days when his policy was not clearly understood by all Englishmen. As we go to press on Thursday morning, we must postpone further comment on this most significant and memorable ceremony. We can only express our intense delight at knowing that the figure of the great President now stands among his kinsmen and his peers in the precincts of the Abbey and St. Stephen's.