31 JULY 1926, Page 26


HEAL and Son, Ltd., have an attractive exhibition of Venetian glass, both useful and ornamental, on show at the Mansard Gallery, 196 Tottenham Court Road. Some water bowls for electric light at £10 15s. made my mouth water for their coolth and colour. Other attractions are the colour prints, made by a new process on the Continent. I liked the Pay sage of Cezanne particularly.

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Messrs. Wallace Heaton, of Bond Street, recently held an interesting exhibition of the work of the leading amateur photographers, but I was unable to notice it last week. It is now closed, but perhaps it is not too late to put in a word for photography as a fine art. There is more in most things than meets the eye, but especially is this true of the work of the modern camera. As to tine-photography, there is no more faseinating hobby nor any which touches on so many aspects of ...life. Half Bergson's philosophy is concerned with the disjunct impressions that we run off the reel of consciousness to simulate-life : we,can,have machines io_dothis for us in a material way for a modest sum these days. But not the