31 JULY 1926, page 21

Country People. By Ruth Suckow. (cape. 7s. 6d- - Net).—we

follow through this novel the lives of a German- American family of farmers.. The chief characters, August and Emma Kaetterhenry, are good, solid, respectable people, who keep......

Holiday Novels

IT has long been a commonplace of fiction, and indeed of real life, that marriage to a genius is a very trying relationship. In First Fiddle (Collins, 7s. 6d. net), the author,......

The God Within Him. By Robert Hichens. (methuen. 7s. 6d.

net.)—Mr. Hichens rather resembles the film impresario Mr. Cecil B. de Mille in that he is drawn irresistibly to choose imposing subjects from which to construct his stories,......


THE 'DANCING FLOOR. By John Buchan. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d. net.)—In his new novel Mr. John Buchan, forsaking the misty hills of Scotland—the scene of John Macnab's......

Word Of Honour. By " Sapper." (hodder And Stoughton. 7s.

6d, net .)—" Sapper ' is not so good ink short stories as in a full-length novel ; but he still shows many of his virtues. His style is conversational and easy, his plots are......