31 MARCH 1877, Page 23


The Catacombs of Rome, and their Testimony Relative to Primitive ChHatianity. By the Rev. W. H. Withrow. (Hodder and Stoughton.) —This book was written and published in America, and is well worth rkkItelrlioatibn here. It will rank high among books of its class for scholarship and theological learning, and, we may add, for the modera- tion with Which it states the controversial argument to which a consider- Aire portion cif it is devoted. In such a subject controversy is inevitable. It may be of much moment or of little to know what were the sentiments of primitive Christians, but it is certain that no testimony to those senti- nients is so unimpeachable as that supplied by the Catacombs. The general interest of the book, however, is not limited to this point. It is a compendious and well-written guide to the whole subject.