31 MARCH 1877, page 3

Iif Mrs. Nassau Senior, Sister Of Ma.. Thomas Hughes, Q.c.,

the tuldic service has lost a Wolin& of rare abilities, and the first who r received a high-salaried official :appointment under Govern- Eat. Mra. Senior held the office, first......

Mr. Walter Bagehot, For Eighteen Years Back Editor Of The

Economist, and the author of some of the most original literary and economical works of the day,—of whose remarkable abilities and character we have spoken at some length in......

The Oxford And Cambridge Boat-race Came Off As Usual On

Satur- day, and was unusually well contested, the racehavingencied, for the first time since the competition was commenced, forty-eight years ago, in a dead heat. It was at......

A Terrible Prospect Would Have Been Held Out To The

literary clans in England, if Mr. Justice Grove and Mr. Justice Field had not sustained an order of Baron Huddleston's, made in chambers, in the case of " Ross v. Francis." It......

The Government Has Asked For A Select Committee Of The

Lords to study the whole subject of English floods and droughts. Recent floods in the valleys Of the great rivers hive been most - mischieiona, many rural districts, some of......

On Thursday Week, Mr. Barnaby Read An Interesting Paper...

the Institute of Naval Architects, on the fighting-power of iron Merchant-ships, mentioning the conditions under which their machinery might be defended from ordinary Shots,......

The Rumours As To The Dangerous Condition Of The Pope's

health have this week reappeared. According to the Roman correspondent of the Times, supported by other more sensational correspondents, his Holiness had an attack of some kind......

The American Papers Have Been More Than Usually...

on the subject of the stimuhie given by bine rays to the growth of plants and animals. A blue-glass houte will, according to their theory, double the size of plants kept in it,......

Console Were Ail Thursday 96i.
