31 MARCH 1888, Page 13



Sut,—I abstained from commenting on the main point in the letter addressed to you by the Vicar of Greenwich, under the conviction that some one better known to you than I am would perform that duty. I am, however, disappointed in this ex- pectation, and feeling that the matter ought not to be passed over, I write these few lines.

It appears from his own statement that the Rev. Brooke Lambert struck out that paragraph in the address which, as coming from clergymen, was the most important,—namely, the condemnation of the Crimes Act. Having done this, he then signed, and his name is appended to the address in which that paragraph stands. Whether the Bishop and the Deans who were the leaders of these clerical Gladstonians should have received the name under such circumstances, is a grave ques- tion; but there can be no doubt that they ought to let the public know whether any other instances of this sort occurred ; and if so, how many.—I am, Sir, Sr.c.,