31 MARCH 1888, page 1

For The Year 1888-89, Mr. Goschen Estimated As Follows :-

EXPENDITURE. REVENUE (if Taxes unchanged). Interest on Debt 227,861,000 Customs 219,800,000 Army 16,700,000 Excise 25,560,000 Ordnance Factories 30,090 Stamps.. 12,740,000 Navy......

But A Great Draft On This Balance Will At Once

be made by the new provisions for local taxation. A third of the Probate- duty is to be devoted to the local taxation in the first year (subsequently it will be one-half), and......

* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any case.......

Mr. Goschen Delivered His Budget Speech On Monday Night,...

a week before the expiration of the financial year, so that for the last week his account of the expenditure and revenue was only estimated. He apologised for a statement of......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the "SrzcxAmoR" of Saturday, May 5th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements......

The Appeal Of The French Government Against General Bou-...

has been successful. The five Generals forming the ccmseil d'enquete into the charges against him, have found him guilty of insubordination, and sentenced him to retire upon his......

News Of The Week.

- L121TREMELY grave events have occurreitin France this I week. On Sunday, an election to the Chamber came off in Marseilles, and it was found that while M. Herve, the spokesman......