31 MARCH 1917, Page 1

Where do the Germans mean to stand, or to try

to stand ? We hear much of the " Hindenburg Line." We must not regard it too gravely. It may be an imaginary line, like the equator. We may be sure that if the Germans succeed in delaying us appreciably anywhere, they will call that place their line. If the line crumples up into turns and twists, they will call upon the world to observe its marvellous " elasticity "—a blessed word in Germany just now. Many intentions are imputed to the brain of Hindenburg—which may be after all the brain of Ludendorff. It is said that the Germans may try to overwhelm Russia while she is in the agony of revolution. If the German leaders think that to make a special point of wrecking the new democracy will please their own Social Democrats (enor- mously growing in numbers : witness the recent Potsdam election), they are very welcome to try the plan. Another suggestion is that a mass attack upon Italy is contemplated.