31 MARCH 1917, page 16

Guide To The Registration Of Business Names Act, 1916. By

Kenneth Brown. (Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons. Is. net.)—Many people will doubtless be glad to know of this clearly written guide to the important Act passed last year under which......

Paraguay. By W. H. Kocbel. (t. Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d.

net.)— This book—the thirteenth volume of a South American series—gives an interesting account of the history and resources of Paraguay, " the most romantic State in South......

Readable Novels.—the Shining Heights. By L A. R. Wylie....

and Boon. 6s.)—A Cornish story chiefly concerned with the experiments of a man of science, who does not possess a doctor's degree, in effecting a cure for consumption.—The......

America's Foreign Relations. By W. F. Johnson, 2 Vols....

Nash. 24s. net.)—The Professor of the History of American Foreign Relations in New York University has produced at an opportune moment a fairly detailed surrey of his subject,......

Some Books Of The Week.

Plctice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Hebrew-Christian Messiah. By A. Lukyn Williams. (S.P.C.K. 10a 6d. net.)—This volume consists of the......


THE SHADOW LINE.t Ma. CONRAD'S new sea story may best be described as a Conradian version of " The Ancient Mariner." It is a tale of a haunted ship as recounted by the......

Russia In 1916. By Stephen Graham. (cassell And Co. 2s.

6d. net.) —These slight sketches of life and travel in Russia last year are well worth reading in view of the recent Russian news. Mr. Graham entered Russia by her new northern......

Leaves Of Healing : A Book For The Sorrowful. Selected

and Arranged by George Jackson. (C. H. Kelly. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Jackson has sought out " comfortable words for the sorrowful in a variety of sources— the Bible, prayers, hymns,......

German Imperialism And International Law. By Jacques...

(Constable and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—In this very ably and temperately written book, fortified throughout by the evidence of enemy literature and documents, the French author shows......

The Old Grammar Schools. By Foster Watson. (cambridge...

Is. 3d. net.)—In this little book, valuable and suggestive out of all proportion to its size, Professor Watson traces the history of our grammar schools, before and since the......