31 MARCH 1928, Page 17

[To the Editor of the SP E CTATOR.]

Srn,—Your leaders on the subject of " Prayer Rook Revision," are so wise and temperate in tone as to commend themselves to men of moderate views in-the Church of England and the Free Churches, and surely this, designation covers the majority of persons in this country who believe in and practise the Christian religion. .

Is it even now too late to suggest that the provisions relating to Reservation in the new proposals should be dropped? This would not mean a victory for either party in the unhappy controversy which has been proceeding so long ; but it would have the important effect of preventing theChineh of England from tying • her hands in a way, that she may regret in fifty years' time. Let the question remain open ; it is not so vital as many suppose.

. On one point only should the rubrics relating to the subject be quite definite. No incumbent has the moral right to force Reservation or extra-liturgical devotions, upon an unwilling parish or congregation ; and this danger could be prevented by ensuring to the Parochial. Church Council' right :of appeal.to- higher authority.—I. am, Sir, &c..,