31 MARCH 1928, page 16

:" The Diary : Of A Fast "

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] presume, with difficulty, Mr. Yeats-Brown intends his " Diary of a Fast " to be taken seriously,. but henever fasted. In the six daya of......

Pigeon Shooting At Its Worst

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—In January last I paid my first visit to this beautiful place, and I found there the scenery and the climate, with a bright blue sky and......

[to The Editor Of T4e Spectator.1' Sir, — Allow Me To...

. you on , your admirable article on the Prayer Book Measure, .1928, and . on your insistence on the fact that comprehensiveness is the distinctive characteristic of the English......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sm,—i Am Entirely In

accord with the views expressed in the article by Sir W. .Beich Thomas in your issue of February 18th. Pigeon shooting from traps should be barred everywhere ; but more......

The Prayer Book Measure

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —It is being widely stated in some quarters that the changes now made by the Bishops, after consultation with Convocation and the......