31 MARCH 1928, Page 26

SPOOK STORIES. By -E. .F: Benson. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)—The Benson

brothers have always been masters of the 'uncanny - Mr. E.: F. Benson in this book repeats the success of his many-editioned Visible and Invisible and emulates that of- his brothers. The stories are generally about pleasant, - ordinary people who are unexpectedly confronted with the, world that . lies at the edges of our consciousness ; the manner of the telling in the denouement., has the sure touch of a master hand. In " The Cornei HouSe" we have a haunting tale, which in site of its strangeness sounds oddly true, of a tiny and terrified man in the power of a huge mad wife. The climax is built up with a Constim- : mate art. As a bedside. book for a _certain sort of. guest.. these spook stories could- not pe beaten. ; every chapter -

makes one's flesh creep. . _