31 MAY 1975, Page 17


The great god

John Linklater

Brainwashing is a medically authenticated reality. It consists of purging, or clearing the conscious mind of established ideas by powerful and persistent suggestion or indoctrination. The mechanism In the brain cortex, which suppresses the established idea in order to give relief from irreconcilable and intolerable strain, remains much the same whether the washing takes place swiftly and secretly, by means of brutality and deprivation in some bleak, Siberian brainlaundry under the direction of the NKVD or as the result of a three hour, sound and vision, indoctrination session each evening in the home of every citizen. If a man can be persuaded that black is no longer truly black, then he has lost one of the cornerstones of logical thinking. Not only will he be more inclined, thereafter, to accept that black is really some other colour instead, but the uncertainty will spread, and he will also tend to doubt the rest of what he formerly held to be axiomatic. The brainwash therefore reverses, in the adult mind, precisely what good education implants in the labile, unformed and uncritical mind of infancy, when basic values • and family and tribal taboos are handed down to be accepted blindly as a basis for subsequent mature thought. If such values be lost, then all thinking becomes soggy and imprecise or tendentious. Let us take the case of Mr George Mair as an example. Mr Mair retired from practice as a surgeon because the psychological strain of routine, curative surgery was too great,'but he finds deep satisfaction in performing euthanasia. He now suggests that sex facilities should be available, at taxpayers expense, for long stay patients in hospitals, and that social workers should, if necessary, enter a "new profession" by acting as surrogate wives for this purpose. He would, in effect, convert hospitals into free brothels, and re-enlist the corps of social workers as part-time prostitutes. A few years ago the official reply to such a preposterous concept would have been terse and to the point. Today, however, a spokesman from the Department of Health says that any decision on this matter will have to be "left to the hospitals" concerned, while an official from one of the hospitals comments that they "couldn't spare the space at present". A woolly attitude which blurs the very boundaries between black and white and right and wrong is the evidence of a massive public brain wash. The public has been stunned by such a barrage of unutterable twaddle from the humanist con trollers of the media, that many decent, honourable men are no longer sure what is right. The persistant, Alice-in-Wonderland, sensory input has finally become its own standard of comparison.

This is why society, today, suddenly finds it difficult to define precisely what constitutes obsceni ty, and why we suddenly, at this stage of civilisation, find it urgently necessary to formulate and re-for mulate laws to define rape. Sudden uncertainty about previously, well established, well tried and proven anchors of morality, is the cardinal sign of a freshly laundered brain.

Thus, when we heard about one Manuel Moreno, who had been employed as a schoolmaster until he was sacked for handing out a written account of his own sexual activities to his pupils, most decent citizens breathed a sigh of relief. What else but brainwash, however, could account for the final words of the barrister, Mr Michael Coulson, Chairman of the appeal tribunal which confirmed the dismissal, when he added that Mr Moreno's "ideas" might "be more widely accepted in ten years time?"

Morality has survival value. A civilisation which is no longer publicly identified with a coherent morality inevitably falls into anarchy and is over-run, and the humanistic brainwash foisted onto the public through the television screen is therefore paving the way for anarchy in Britain, and for our anihilation.

The problem is that there has never been a time when communication was so immediate and so powerful, and we simply do not have the evolutionary safeguards to withstand itsTabuse. The human brain cannot withstand the detergent onslaught of so much co-ordinated sensory input. We must close the ranks of sanity and challenge the devil, whenever. he appears, i. whatever It is incumbent upon pat,. 0..L( leaders, as never before, to speak clearly and frankly, to declare what they do believe, and to eschew all that is riiealy-mouthed, expedient, equivocal and trendy.