31 MAY 1975, page 3

Market Matters

Sir: In the Spectator I find Mr M. I. Becket falling upon me, with what Malory would have called great random, for a parenthesis about Mrs Thatcher's sincerity. I honestly can't......

Sir: Whilst Not Wishing To Diminish Your Correspondents'...

both got our banner wrong. It read "Communists for Europe." As for Chairman Mao's support for the EEC, it is likely that our value as a counterweight to the Soviets had more to......

From Lieu T Commander R. N. Paulley Sir: Last Week

I was shocked when a Conservative Association deputy chairman told me that his party had no intention of encouraging discussion of the Common Market issue betause, in his words,......


Sir: Although not quite sharing your evangelical fervour on some issues, such as the EEC, I usually find that your editorial line is stimulating. reasoned and not normally far......

From Commander Edgar P. Young Sir: I Wish To Congratulate

you on your unqualified editorial condemnation (May 23) of the abominable behaviour' of the US Administration in relation to the ms Mayaguez, welcomed by the Times, to its......


Sir: Thank you for giving space to the impending bookless plight of Bucks. Mr Crosland has stated this week that the country receives a Rate Support Grant of 66 per cent. In......


From the Dean of St Paul's Sir: In the article over my name on May 24 a serious omission has occurred. I quoted the last two lines of Paradise Regained which read: "... he......