31 MAY 1975, Page 3

From Lieu t Commander R. N. Paulley Sir: Last week

I was shocked when a Conservative Association deputy chairman told me that his party had no intention of encouraging discussion of the Common Market issue betause, in his words, "this could lose them the referendum." He said they would be confining themselves to presenting the pro-Market argument, and that they were raising a "reds under the bed" scare to frighten people into voting "Yes." He added that he personally was ,warning people that a "No" vote would be the green light for Soviet subversion in defence installations such as the Polaris base in Scotland.

At the time I thought this might be no more than the opinion of one individual. However I have now read that, during a long debate on Europe at the Conservative Women's Conference, out of nine speakers called not one was an opponent of EEC membership; although several anti-Marketeers had asked to speak.

Noel Paulley Corfu, Cardiff Road, Cardiff