31 OCTOBER 1931, Page 12

In the year 1749 Dr. Johnson contributed to the Getillcmanes

Magazine a Letter on Fireworks, protesting. against 'transient shows that " advanced by such -slow degrees and with such costly preparations." Apparently the stained ..fidants — sothetimei but not always accoMpanied by -shapeless-lumps —who summon us to remember the Guy, do not Spend much over their preparations for the Fifth. But " slOw.'degrees " is true enough. I was caught by my first Guy on OctOber 8th. The transient show now lasts a month. These. degrees are too slow. Let us allot a time-limit, above all, to' the Bangs that remind the middle-aged and nervous of -War Nights and set the Secretary of the R.S.P.C.A. warning us to keep our dogs and cats safely within doors. Dogs—yes : they are docile. But who has ever been able to keep a cat in at night ?