31 OCTOBER 1931, page 12

The Cinema

" The Blue Express " at the Academy ART and propaganda are but uneasy consorts at the best of times ; but when the matchmaker is as restless and energetic a fellow as M. Ilya......

Nonsense Maxims.

In a time of turmoil impartiality is an ideal—or a pose. I select, as a saying to add to the Nonsense Box for this week, a remark attributed to one of our candidates. " A......

S 3ipatiiy Misplaced.

At Olympia, one evening last week, I was fascinated by a shabby and faded couple—man and wife no doubt—who stood, with wistful lookS, beside one of the cheapest of mass-......

As The World Goes

COME AND Miss HIM. Broadcasting parties have been a disturbing novelty of the late election campaign. " For Mr. Lloyd George on the Wireless " was scribbled across an invitation......

Too Dear.

A Yankee schoolmaster, a teacher of chirography,. not long since located himself in Rensselaer county, New York, and com- menced a school under the most favourable auspices. He......

In The Year 1749 Dr. Johnson Contributed To The Getillcmanes

Magazine a Letter on Fireworks, protesting . against 'transient shows that " advanced by such - slow degrees and with such costly preparations." Apparently the stained ........

A Hundred Years Ago

Some weeks ago, we laid before our readers the heads of a proposal which h ad boon submitted to the Government for founding a Colony on the Southern Coast of Australia. As wo......

Points Of Style. No. 2. Inverted Commas.

Mr. Baldwin has said that he hopes before he dies " to make the use of inverted commas in this country illegal." I have had to use them in quotation of his bold dislike. But .......

Their Names In Other Lands.

One may always derive some solace from reading foreign newspapers during a domestic crisis. Their versions, particu- larly, of our famous names cast a fantastic sidelight, which......