3 DECEMBER 1910, Page 29


Andrew (S), Doctor Grey : a Novel, cr. 8vo (greening) No Armitage (H.), Chantwey Land, 8vo (Low) net 10/6

Barbour (R. H.), The Now Boy at Hilltop, and other Stories ...(Appleton) WO Barbour (B. H.), Winning his "Y," Cr 8vo (Appleton) 8/0 Beattie (W. B.), The Were.'Wolf, cr ilvo (S. Paul) 8/0 Bell (L.), The Lost Garden, soy 16mo ........... —......(Hodder* Stoughton) 3113

Belloc (a.); Verses, 8vo (Duckworth) net 5/0 Blacker (J. F.), The A 13 C of Collecting Old English China ...(S. Paul) not 5/0 Book of Light Verse (A), edited by R. M. Leonard, Cr 8vo - (H. •Frowde) NU Brown (G. B.), Arts'and Crafts of Our Teutonic Forefathers...(Foults) net 5/0

Chambers (G. L.), Buseaco, 8vo (Sonnenschein) net 7/0 Chapman (A.) and Buck (W. J.), Unexplored Spain, roy Bye (E. Arnold) net 21A1 Chat about the Broderers' Company, by an Old Boy and Past Master,

roy 8 (G. Allen) net 31/6

Chirol (V.), Indian Unrest, or 8vo (Naczpillan) net 5/0 Clarke (G.), From the Cross to the Crown, or 8vo Marshall Bros.) 2/6

Cooke (G. A.), The Progress of Revelation, 8vo (T. & T. Clark) net se,

Corner (C.), Crown, Coronet, and Clover, cr 8vo (Greening) 13/0

Cornish (W. T.), One Term (Gardner & Dorton) 3/0 Crawford (E. K.), More about Jock, 8va ' (MacLehose) not 3/6 Crocker (F. B.) and Arendt (M.), Electric Motbra, 8vo (C. Lockwood) net 10/6

Crozier (T. B.), The First Principles of Investment, 8vo - (Financial Harlow of Reviews) net 3/6

Cumming (A. D.), Old Times in Scotland, or 8vo (A. Gardner) net 9/6

Dix (M.), Instructions on the Religious Life, or 8vo (Mowbray) net 5/0' Dixon (W. M.), The Edinburgh Book of Scottish Verse, 1300•1300, • cr 8vo (Meiklejohn & Holden) not 7/0 Douglas (Sir G.), The Book of Scottish Poetry, cr Sao.... (Uuwin) net 7/6

Burley (T.), Lethaby of Moab, 8vo (Marshall Bros.) 6X7

Edghill (E. A.), The Spirit of Power as Seen in_ the Christian Church of

the Second Century, cr 8vo (-B. Arnold) net sig.

Edwards (W.), Notes on British History, PartIV., cr 8vo (Rivingtons) net . 4/6

Empire in Mourning (An), 4to (Times Book Club) net 21/0 Forbes (A. C.), The Development of British Forestry, 8vo (E. Arnold) net Me-

Green (E. E.), The House of Silence, or 8vo (Hutthinson) 6/0

Griffiths (W.), Onward and Upward, or 8vo - (Marshall Bros.) 2/8

Redill (1). Overland to India, 2 vols. 8vo (Macmillan) net 3013 Hobson (R. P.), In Line of Duty, or 8vo (Appleton) 8/0

Hochberg (Count F. von), An Eastern Voyage, 2 vols.: ro7 8vo (Dent) net 31/0 Holmes (D. T.), A Soot in France and Switzerland, cr8vo (A:Gardner) not 4/6

Howe (J. A.) The Geology of Building Stones, cr 8vo (E. Arnold) net 7/6 James (G. Be S. W.-), The Lesson, cr 8vo (Everett) 6/0 Jerrold (W.), Douglas Jerrold and Punch, five (Macmillan) net 19/(1 Johnson (H. S.). Williams on Service, or 8vo (Appleton) 6/0 Jordan (D. S.), Leading American Men of Science, or 8vo (Bell) net 7/6

Juts (R.), The Cape Peninsula. 8vo (Black) net 710 Kearton (R. and C.). Keartons' Nature Pictures, Vol. II. . .. .(Cossell) net 15/0 Kendall (.7. F.), A Short History of the Church of England, 8vo (Black) net 7/6 Kerr (G. L.), Twelve Hundred Mining Examination Questions, 8vo (C. Lockwood) net 9/6 Kettle (T. at.), The Day's Burden, 12mo - (Unirin) net 2,I6

Koenigsmarck (H. von), The Norther, Cr 8vo (K. Paul) net 316

• Liorerist (e.), The Wonderful Adventures of Nile, cr 8vo ...(A. F. Bird) not 5/0

' Lissenden (G/B.), The'Railway Trader's Guide, 8vo ' (P. K King) net 7/6 Major (C.), The Little King, or 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0

, Norden (0. S.), Be Good to Yourself, sr 8vo ........... —.. ........ - --Zarramp) 9,6 ifard•Th (P. s..), Getting (an, or aro ' 0) 3/6

' Medley (D. J.). 'I'he Church and the Empire/ crave (Rivingbons) not 6/8

Milne (Mrs. L.), Slays At Home, 8vo (J. Murray) net 1510

biochizuki (K.), Japan To-day, imp 8vo (Times Book Club) net 16(0

Idodjeska (Helena), Memories and Impressions, 8vo (Macmillan) net 17/0 Moore (M.), The Story of Rosalind, imp 16mo (Sidgwick & Jackson) net 2/6 Morison (R.)•Introduetion to Surgery, roy 8vo (Simpkin) net 8/6 Morse (H. B.), International Relations of the Chinese Empire, 8vo . .— . , - . . (Longmont° net 20/0 Mosso (A.), The Dawn of Mediterranean Civilisation, 8vo r (Unwin) net 16(0 Nesbit (E.), The Magic Cit-, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 610

Osborn (EL F.), The Age ofMammals, 8vo 1 (Macmillan) net 1816 Pipero (4.1 Mid-Cha el : a Play, 12mo (Heinemann),. 2;6 Backhom ),. A of Porcelain, roy 8vo (Black) net 12/6 Illstine (11..H.J, English Tragicomedy : its Origin and History, 8vo .. (Macmillan) net 016 Robins:4F W.), Canada and Canadian Defence, tiro (H. Rees) net 6/0 Robinson . li.), The Ckaverly Children, 8vo (Marshall Bros.) 2/6

Ross (11. .) and Others, Induced Cell Reproduction and Cancer, Pro (J. Murray) net 1210

Scott (C.), 'The Voice of the Ancient, 4to (Watkins) net 3/6 4Thepherd (E. IL A.), Nature and Evidence of the Resurrection of Christ,

or rivo „ . . (Hivingtons) net 216 Slater (D. A.), Aeneas, and other Verses and Versions ...(H. Frowde) net 2(6 Blown E.), Great American Universities, cr Pro • (Macmillan) net 10/6 Smith .), Interludes: Fifth Series, Cr Pro (Macmillan) 510 Htaaker (L. J.), The Sea Worshippers, cr 8vo (Burghes) net 3/6 Sutcliffe (IL), Paraiba Fiddler, cr Pro (T. W. Laurie) 6/0 Temory (Ai. , ItnAiart Missionary, cr 8vo (1dacniven & Wallace) net 3/0

Troliwny .A),-Le14.1.1.8. Pro (H. Frowde) net 10/6 Upton PG:. , *),..A. eard. Musical Biographies, Iffino (Hutchinson) net 5/0

Waern (C.), MediaeialaioRY, Pro (Duckworth) net 12/6 Walltice.(4:31,) 'TtierWorld of Life, 8vo (Chapman & Hall) net 12/6

Weir .(MQ Sly., r-Handredfold, 8vo. (Marshall Bros.) 2/6 Woolley (E. X), The Liturgy of the Primitive Church, Cr Pro

(Camb. Univ. Press) net 5/0 Wright (11.S.), The Great White North, cr Pro .........(Macmillan) net 10/6