3 DECEMBER 1910, page 70

The Psalms In The Jewish Church - The Psalms In

the Jewish Church. By W. E. Oesterley, D.D. (Rivingtons. 3s. 6d. net.)-The contents of Dr. Oesterley's volume are of varied interest. Chaps. 1-3 deal with the musical aspect of......

Sauce For The Gander. By Violet M. Methley. (skeffington And

Son. 2s. net.)-These eight little plays will be found useful by people who are looking for something to act, either in their own drawing-rooms or in a village reading-room. They......

A Sequel To "secret Remedies." (in Search Of Truth.) By

Frederick Phillips. (F. Phillips, Southampton. 6d. net.) -This pamphlet is in the nature of a reply to Secret Remedies, which was issued last year by the British Medical......