3 DECEMBER 1910, Page 68

An Everyday Romance. By Raymond Sacbern.s. (Wells Gardner, Dayton, and

Co. 5s.)—The theme of this story is familiar. Valerie Campbell finds home somewhat dull, and, having a certain artistic ability, thinks that she will be happier in London. How she fares there is made the subject of an interesting story. Art does not seem to promise much—it seldom does on closer acquaintance—so Valerie takes a companion's place. That answers still less : so she learns that there is work to be done at home ; and there is a lover at hand to ensure that this work should not last too long. Madame Pryse, the lady who is companioned, is, we think, a little caricatured. To suppress the telegram "Mother has had severe paralytic stroke" and answer it with "Sorry cannot come" is a quite incredible proceeding.