3 DECEMBER 1910, Page 68

Sea Yarns. By John Arthur Barry. (W. and R Chambers.

8s. 6d.)—These "yarns" take us, and with very good result in the way of entertainment, to various pima' in the East and West. The first, "The Last Voyage of Martin Valiance," is the most serious—it is not tragical, as the title might suggest--but the others have the picturesqueness which Mr. Barry knows how to give to his tales. Treasure-trove is a not unimportant element, and as attractive as usual. All are veritable "sea yarns" except the last, which recounts the experiences of a bank manager at a "far inland Australian township." We are reminded of the polite question of Don Quixote : "What induced you, Princess, to disembark at a place that was not a seaport?"