3 DECEMBER 1927, Page 1

The Soviet Plan . for disarmament, which M; Litvinoff explained on

• Wednesday, provides for the complete abolition of all land, sea and air forces. All existing ships and armaments would be scrapped. Military instruction would be prohibited. - Factories that can be converted to the production of plunitions would be suppressed. Ministries of War would disappear. The Soviet, said M. Litvinoff, was prepared to destroy all its military stores and factories within a year. Everybody would have to be disarmed-within four years, In order to present this stupendous piece of nonsense, M. Litvinoff defied all the rules of procedure in the ComMission. He punctuated his speech with violent abuse of the League. The purpose of the scheme is plain enough. The Soviet says in effect, " Militarism is only Capitalism under another name. The Bolshevists are the only pacifists in the world. By this scheme we put you and all your ways to open shame." What M. Litvinoff has never foreseen is that impertinent folly brings more shame on its authors than on any one 1010 else. In order to " rag " the rest of the world he suggests 1010 that the keepers of civilization should destroy every„means 1011 of defence and discipline, and that only the brigands and 1012 bandits should remain with the means to enforce their wills. 1016 The Commission will proceed undeterred by this demented demonstration to consider security, which is the first step 1023 towards disarmament.