3 DECEMBER 1927, page 2

In The House Of Lords On Thursday, November 24th, And

in the House of Commons on the following day, there were debates on the CoMmission for India. In both these debates there was such general agreement, and the assurances to India......

In That Regret We Cannot Join, Though We Heartily Agree

with him that the Government would do well to sign the optional clause. Those nations which have signed it cannot understand our refusal. We Englishmen under- . stand well......

• • .

We' have always held that on the whole the American delegation in its unswerving insistence upon a formula was -rather more- to blame than Great Britain for the failure, but'......

. Turning To Arbitration Sir Austen Chamberlain - Said...

had led the world in willingness to submit vital questions to arbitration and abide by the .result. The ' Alabama' case, the destruction of the Hull fishing fleet by the Russian......

Mr. Duff Cooper Moved An Amendment Expressing Full -...

the GoVerriment policy. . This was valuable, as Mr. Duff Cooper is a stout friend of the League. -We entirely- agree with his important reserva- tion, however, that if Great......

Sir Austen Chamberlain, In Replying To Mr. Macdonald, • Was

- in very good form, and he certainly unfolded a record of which Great Britain may, on•the whole, be very proud. He acknowledged, to begin with, that if the Government had "......

Lord Birkenhead Was At - His Bed, And Lord Olivier Declared

that he could not put any . obstruction in the way of the scheme. He favoured, however, the plan of having a simultaneous Commission of Indians which could hold joint sessions......

In Connexion With The Disarmament Meeting At Geneva It Will

be appropriate to say something here about the debate in the House of Commons on Thursday, November 24th, In 'a comprehengiVe - resantiiiii Mr: Mailkinald, taking as his chief......