3 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 2

General Hertzog Carries On

Mr. Tiehnann Roos has clearly shot his bolt for the present. General Hertzog on Wednesday repelled a• vote of no confidence by a majority of 20, and then carried a vote of confidence by a majority of 14. These may seem narrow margins, but in a House of 148 members they are quite enough. The negotiations between Mr. Roos and the South African Party- have broken down, and General Smuts and his followers will to all appearances be . content to wait for next year's general election, as it always seemed likely they would be. Mr. Roos still believes he can push ahead with his coalition plans regardless' both of General Hertzog and General Smuts, but it looks as though in reality he would have to rest satisfied with the not inconsiderable achievement of having driven South Africa off the gold standard by his individual action. The Rand mine-owners ought to put up a

statue to him. * * *