3 FEBRUARY 1933, page 25

Fruits Or The Earth. By Frederick Philip Grove. (dent. 7s.

6d.)—Pioneering in the Red River Valley, in Canada, and the many difficulties of Abe Spalding's family. A sound and well-constructed story.......

The Secret Ene3iy. By Eimar O'duffy. (bles. 7s. Bd.)- The

Secret Enemy contains good writing, but the central mystery is weak. Mr. O'Duffy is much happier as a satirist.......

Fired. By Karl Sehenzinger. (appleton. 7s. 6d.)—...

and the results of economic crisis upon a number of persons who would willingly be hard- working if they could. Herr Sehenzinger is not the first to tell this story, but he......

Current Literature

GORDON, THE SUDAN AND SLAVERY By Pierre Crabites The centenary of Gordon's birth brings an intelligent and useful book by M. Pierre Crabites on Gordon, the Sudan and Slavery......

Mullever Mown. By P. G. Wodehouse. (herbert Jenkins. 7s....

Mulliner is more fortunate than most of us in having a large number of exceptionally amusing relations. The extravagant adventures of this clan provide us with the opportunity......

The Baronial Plan Of Reform

By R. F. Treharne It is no longer deemed correct to say that Simon de Montfort, while leading the assault of 1264-5 against a foolish king, summoned the first English......

For Ever England By Maj .- Gen. The Rt. Hon.

J. S. B. Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. General Seely is becoming one of our most prcilific writers. It is for him to see a danger in that. We are as yet content to welcome his......

Bon - Raruot House. By Giulio Caprin. (jarrolds. 7s....

has unfortunately chosen the romantic con- vention for his tale of Ugo Foscolo, thereby blurring its out- lines. Those who like a gentle, sentimental tale, with a Regency......

Tins Cleaner Wind. By Andrew Andrews. (cape. 7s....

Wind opens with a wreck off the Scilly Isles, magnificently described. In all to do with the sea, Mr. Andrews' tale is alive and exciting. If his characteri- zation is......

Adventure Eon Three. By Joan De Fraine. (long. 7s. 6d.)—miss

de Emilie gives us a new sort of rebellion—that of three middle-aged people against their well-meaning juniors. Barbara, Alec, and Isabel refuse to stay on the shelf, go to the......

Hanging Waters. By Keith West. (dickson. 7s. 6d.)— The Calm-

verbosity of the Chinese, whether in love or business or banditry, or even murder, makes Mr. West's book very good comedy. He knows China, he writes with amusement, and he has......

The Shakespeare Murders. By Neil Gordon. (barker. 7s....

the Manor, hidden treasure, every charac- ter a suspect, and the hero a cheerful and accomplished villain : this lively thriller has all the virtues, including the cardinal one......

Shorter Fiction

A DAY IN OCTOBER. By Sigurd Hod. (Duckworth. 7s. Bd.)—Mr. Hod tells of a single day in Oslo, when Fru Ravn screamed, and all her neighbours in the block of flats heard her.. He......