3 JULY 1926, Page 19

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—I will not ask for space to refute the charge that I have 'wild white fingers," and am "snatching at the skies," or to reply to your Chester correspondent who calls me "these people." Such letters seem to me to answer themselves. But I should like to say a word in answer to " Industrialist's " assertion that "it is only by fomenting trouble and ill-feeling In the ranks of labour against employers that the extreme 1Labour leaders can hope to keep their own jobs and salaries." What Labour leaders are most trusted ? Those who have done their best to prevent trouble.

The Railwaymen stick to Mr. J. H. Thomas through thick and thin because they know his method, which is always to avoid a strike if possible, has greatly improved their position. In the Boot and Shoe Trade a Conciliation Scheme has been working for thirty years. Have the men's leaders there had difficulty in "keeping their jobs and salaries " ? None whatever. I could go on giving examples to prove that " Industrialist " has no knowledge of industry ; these must suffice. I will not trespass on your generosity. Only one word in reply to Mr. Thomas.

I said that Capitalist chiefs blunted their intellects with sport and gambling. They do : I know it. Mr. Thomas retorts that the Daily Herald publishes racing and betting news, and asks : Am I seeking to blunt the intellects of Labour

supporters ? •

No, Sir. I am compelled to give them the means of blunting their intellects because a daily newspaper would not sell without these. The experiment has been tried. I think betting silly and demoralizing. I think the cult of racing does a lot of harm ; I am sorry the Royal Family encourage it. But the following of tips by the rank and file of industry does not damage industry to anything like the same extent as the addiction of many of its chiefs to gambling and games. And my contention was that industry had, for a number of causes, this among them, been so damaged as to have broken down.—! I am, Sir, &c., 2 Carmelite Street, E.C. 4.