3 JULY 1926, page 20

Hours And Wages In The Mines

[To The Editor of Ilse SPECTATOR.] Sin,--Your leader on the industrial prospect in the current issue of the Spectator reflects the opinion of many moderate people who, while......

Negroes In British Ports

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,---Do English people, on the whole, realize the harm done by the employment of negroes in large numbers in our mer- chant ships ? A short......

A Story About Bismarck

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,— I can bear out from my early recollections Mr. St. Lac Strachey's point as to the bad behaviour of officers when drilling German......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sm.--my Spectator...

like my shadow. I have just read Mr. G. F. Bridge's comment in your issue of June 19th on Mr. St. Loe Strachey's story, and I must say from my experience the story is far nearer......

Stannington Children's Sanatorium

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] "The first open-air Sanatorium for children ever set up in this country, at Stannington, fourteen miles north of liewcastle—and recently......

Rickets And Sunlight

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--In his article in the Spectator of June 19th, "Crusader does not necessarily imply that Dr. Palm was first or alon: in attributing......