3 JULY 1926, Page 21


So far the sum of £81 17s. has been subscribed by readers of the Spectator to the Children's Country Holidays Fund, which means that as a result of our appeal 81 London children will have two weeks' holiday in the country.

We are not satisfied with this result and we ask the readers of the Spectator to make themselves responsible for sending another 419 children to the country this year, making a total of 500. A representative of the Spectator visited the offices of the Children's Country Holidays Fund and was informed that subscriptions had not been coming in as -well as usual this year. The Society has before it two possible courses of action : either to send 2,800 fewer children to the country this year or to send the usual number and incur a debt of nearly £3,000. • Our representative assured the Society that he believed our readers would gladly provide funds for sending 500 children and thus prevent the Children's Country Holidays Fund from curtailing its work.

If the Spectator Fund is to reach £500 by July 31st we shall all have to redouble our efforts. Once again, therefore, we appeal to the readers of the Sped ator and ask them collectively to provide a holiday for 500 children. The actual sum still required is £418 3s.

We have receivcd the following sums since last Wednesday :-

s. s. d.

Miss Jane Dickson.:

0 10 0


00 Miss J. L. Campbell 0 10 0 Mrs. Du Croz 1 00 Mrs. Burnett .. 0 10 0 Mrs. C. Young

17 6 K. E. C. 1 0 0 Leta Hindson

00 F. R. Chitson 1 0 0 E. W. M. ..

0 0 Mark 14/7 .. 1 0 0 E. A. T. H. ..

0 0 Erin 1 0 0 Mrs. Jameson 2

0 0 H. B. Marten ..

1 0 0 Mrs. Waters .. 0 1 0

Mrs. Henry Taylor.

2 2 0 F. R. C. S. I. 1 00 M. A. 1 0 0 Mrs. Francis Cadogan 5