3 JULY 1926, Page 28


For the Council of Social Service, Is.)

SOME years ago valuable surveys of social work and conditions in Oxford and Cambridge were made by Miss Butler and Miss Eglantyne Jebb. A useful though less ambitious survey has been compiled for the Council of Social Service in Edinburgh. It is not by chance that these three are University cities and towns, for they draw help from intelligent men and women connected with the Universities. We are surprised to find no mention of Dr. Chalmers' name, though there are signs that

his spirit still lives in the city, for the Churches, the University and the city authorities work in harmony. Their energies are combined in this Council and minor bodies such as - the Juvenile Organizations Committee. They are proud of their work, with reason, but the sections often end with, "how much more could be done ! " These Surveys are useful in themselves as records, as a stimulus at home, and as examples elsewhere.