3 MARCH 1832, Page 12


• We have received the Messager des Chambres dated yesterday. The late resolution of the Chamber of Deputies, touching the an- niversary day of Louis the Sixteenth, having been consigned by the Peers to the sonic committee that reported on the original re- solution, it is naturally supposed that the Upper House means to persist in its'athendinent.- •Another version is, that the whole bill will be simply negatived, leaving to another session to reconcile the two Chambers.

Letters from Civita Vecchia of the 19th February, speak of the looked-for arrival of the steam-boat with General CORBIERES.. A French squadron of two frigates and a brig passed Messina on the 14th, directing.theif course towards the Adriatic. • A courier from Prince METTERNICH arrived in Paris on Wed- nesday, on the subject, it is supposed, of the Italian expedition. •