3 MARCH 1900, Page 22


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the 'Keel as have not tee* rresd fw rtri,,a, in other Terms.)• Outlines of Modern Tactics. By Lieutenant-Colonel E. Gunter. (William Clowes and Sons. 7s. W.) — Colonel Gunter's admirable little manual of tactics has now reached a third edition, and has been enlarged by new sections on hill and savage warfare, drawn from experiences, during the last few years, in the Soudan and on the Indian Frontier. It is a clear and well-arranged epitome, well fitted to form a first work on the subject and an introduction to more elaborate works. The author has an extensive acquaintance with Continental systems, and the illustrations are valuable and suggestive. The results are tabulated, and there is abundance of detail, but certain general governing principles are clearly maintained throughout. In the chapter "Infantry in Defence," on p. lel, deep trenches, well pushed forward, are advocated in hill-fighting, a device of which our enemies are teaching us the value in the present war. This little work has won a position in schools of military instruction, and it may be cordially recommended to Volunteers.