3 MAY 1845, Page 9

It is generally believed in well-informed circles that her Majesty

will certainly visit Ireland about the latter end of July; and subsequently proceed to Germany for a short period.—Morning Post The Morning Post states that the preliminaries for the Royal hal costume are definitively arranged: one ball will take place on the 20th June—the costume to illustrate the period of English history from the time of Anne to George the Second.

Last night's Gazette contains this paragraph dated St James's Palace, April 26—" Notice is hereby given, with reference to an Order published in the Gazette bearing date ' Carlton House, May 4, 1821,' that henceforth, in all cases when persons are to be presented for the honour of Knighthohd at the levee, the plea- sure of her Majesty, ascertained by one of her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, will be signified to the Lord in Waiting by the Lord Chamberlain." Has anything gone amiss lately?