3 MAY 1890, Page 16



0 MOTHER, will the swallows never come P

Feel my cheek, 'tis hot and burning, And my heart is sick with yearning, But I'm always well as soon as swallows come.

They brought me in a primrose yesterday : And when primroses are blowing, Then I know that winter's going; And the swallows cannot then be far away.

Hark, my old thrush in the garden singing clear ! How I love his note to follow !

But the swallow, 0 the swallow, Bringing summer with him, summer, is more dear.

And the lambs' bleat ! Could I see them once again, With their innocent sweet faces, And their friskings, and their races!

Once I used—but now I cannot stir for pain.

Mother, lift me, all this side is growing numb : Oh, how dark the room is ! Fold me To your bosom, tighter hold me !

Or I shall be gone before the swallows come.

And the swallows came again across the wave ; And the sky was soft and tender, With a gleam of rainbow splendour, As they laid their little darling in the grave : And they often watch the swallows by her tomb ; And they strain to think, but straining Cannot still the heart's complaining, " She is better there where swallows never come."

And they carved the bird she loved upon her stone ; Joyous guest of summer darting Hither, thither, then departing In a night, to joys of other worlds unknown. A. G. B.