3 MAY 1890, page 16

Spring The Beloved.

HALF-BRONZE, half-green, the shivering hedgerows shook, The larches stood in soft, uncertain mind, To hold or give their jewels to the wind That flung their gold-dust from them......


THE ROYAL ACADEMY.—I. FIRST IMPRESSIONS.. Tolook through two thousand works of art and other- industries is to endanger one's eyesight, taste for painting,, and certainly one's......

Gilbert's Journal Of Captain Cook's Last Voyage.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, In the review on Mr. Walter Besant's " Captain Cook," in the Spectator of April 26th, the critic observes :—" We infer that Mr. Besant......

" Altruism."

WE may not all attain the promised land That youth bolds as its rightful heritage, Manhood still craves, and disappointed age Dreams of, yet hopes no longer there to stand. The......


THE SWALLOWS. 0 MOTHER, will the swallows never come P Feel my cheek, 'tis hot and burning, And my heart is sick with yearning, But I'm always well as soon as swallows come.......